Welcome pastors and spiritual mentors!

Pastoral Reference Form

Pastoral counseling and ministry training. Get heart healing while you learn to become more effective at helping the people you love.

Access the form

Scroll down, click the button to access the pastoral reference form, and press "Start Now" to begin. Completion takes less than 10 minutes.

Answer each question

As this is a character reference form, please answer each question about the student accurately. Your responses are confidential and will only be seen by our EH admin.

Submit the form

After completing all questions, press submit to send your form to our EH school administrator. You may also download the PDF for your records.
We invite you to join us in shaping the future of ministry leaders. By providing a pastoral reference, you ensure our students meet the highest standards of accountability and character. Simply click the button below to access the form and answer each question thoughtfully. Use the arrows to navigate and hit submit when done. Your participation is crucial and deeply valued by both us and our students.